Cooking and fire

What do we do if it rains?

All rooms have a roof to sit under outside. The fireplaces are not under cover, but it is usually possible to make a fire even if it rains a little. There are parasols that can be used as rain protection.
Remember to bring good clothes if it rains.

What cooking equipment is there?

We always make sure you have the equipment you need for food ordered through us. With your food you also get plates and cutlery, this is not available in the room.

Is there firewood and matches in the room?

Firewood and matches are available and you do not need to bring them. This also applies if you bring your own food.

Open burning prohibition?

Sometimes in the summer it is too dry to make a fire in the forest and the local authorities issue burning bans. To find out the status right now, check: Naturlogi is located in Linköping municipality in Östergötland.

In the event of a strengthened fire ban, it is not permitted to burn solid fuels outdoors. Not even in permanent fire pits or similar. Under these conditions food is cooked on a gas stove and we ask those who bring their own food to bring dishes that do not need to be cooked.

It is ALLOWED to make a fire for cooking in permanent fire pits like the ones at Naturlogi.

To minimize the risks of a fire, we ask you to:

  • Keep the fire low. Split the firewood in two, add a few at a time
  • Use the spark guards that are available at your fireplaces. Keep the spark guard on at all times except when you are cooking.
  • NEVER leave the fire unattended, even for a short time.
  • Let the fire burn out or put it out with LOTS of water before you go to sleep. Feel free to stomp out any lingering ember so that the fire is completely out.
  • For those of you who live in Laven or Mossan; make your fire in the tripod and let all the fire burn out before you go to bed. Do not pour water into a hot tripod.

Menu and food

How do I order food?

You can either book a three-course dinner directly when you book or order food a few days before you arrive.
You will receive an email from us about a week before your visit. You order food by replying to that email. Since we buy foodstuffs and prepare a lot before you get here it is important that we receive your order in advance of your arrival.

What beverages can I order?

We have no serving permit and thus no alcoholic beverages, but a lot of great non-alcoholic alternatives. Read more about different options below: Menu.

Do I have to cook the food myself?

If you are not attracted by the idea of ​​cooking your own food over a fire, you can take the opportunity to come when we have a “finmiddag” in the forest or some other food event. Parts of the menu also do not need to be prepared, so you can combine a meal with the room without the actual cooking.
But at the same time we want to give a shot to test cooking over fire, we have prepared everything and you will receive clear instructions. You leave the dishes to us.


Can we sleep more than 2 in the forest rooms?

In Lyan, which is our windbreak, it is easiest to have more than two in. Here is two surfaces with mattresses that is about 1.8 meters. So how many you can be depends on how close you can sleep, but you can easily fit 4 people and 6 people if you sleep a little tight.

In Laven and Mossan is a double bed and there is no possibility of an extra mattress on the floor, but it is fine to sleep more than two people in the double bed.

In Vistet, there is room for a small extra bed. If you would like us to place it there, you must inform us.

Keep in mind, however, that the floor space are quite limited and it often feels cramped to be more than 2 adults in the rooms, with an extra bed in Vistet, the floor space will be limited.

2 people are included in the price, in addition to these you pay SEK 450 per person, these also apply to accompanying children. Babies can of course come along free of charge.
If there are more of you, we also have tents to rent out, contact us for more information.

We are a family with children, which room do you recommend?

If you have children with you, we recommend that you stay in Lyan, there is room for many and plenty of space around the fire and the table.

For those of you who live in the suites, we recommend arranging a babysitter, here the space is smaller and you can enjoy the forest and silence more if you leave the children at home. Although the rooms are separated, it is important to remember that many of our guests come precisely for the silence and peace.

Can I bring my dog?

The forest rooms are small with a lot of untreated wood and natural materials that get dirty easily, so we prefer that you leave the dog at home. The forest room Laven is therefore the only room where dogs are allowed.

We charge an extra fee of SEK 500 for the extra cleaning. If the dog comes along, we assume that it is completely clean and that it does not disturb other guests in the forest. Unfortunately, we have experienced that many dogs are not used to sleeping so close to the forest and can become nervous and bark at noises in the night.

Please note that the dog must be leashed as soon as it is outdoors; this applies even if it is near the room or on the terrace.

I have some trouble walking, can I visit Naturlogi?

All accommodations are located in the forest. It’s a short walk of about 400 meters up a slight hill. It is not possible to get to any accommodations by car.

Booking, rebooking and cancellation

What are the check-in and check-out times?

Check-in is between 16-17. Our reception is only open during that time, so if you are late, please notify us.
Check-out is no later than 11.

How long is your season and is a particular date free??

The season for our dining experiences is all year round, with peak season in autumn/winter/spring. Our forest rooms are open approximately from April to September, you can find the available dates in our booking calendar HERE. Are you a group? Then other opening hours may apply. Feel free to take a look at our page for groups and conferences, which you can find HERE.

I want to change dates?

Email us to make a rebooking.

I have a gift card but want to upgrade to a more expensive accommondation, how do I do?

Book the accommodation you want and enter your gift card number, the amount on the gift card will be deducted and you pay only the difference. Please note that IF the gift card also applies to food (in addition to breakfast), that amount will also be deducted, so the food will NOT be included in your new booking but paid on the spot.

We are a large group, can you house us all?

All accommodation are within a 5 minutes walk so it is possible to book several forest rooms and hang out at one of them. That means 8-9 people to come here at once. It is also possible to supplement with tents (bring your own or rent from us) outside the forest rooms.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or want to discuss different solutions.