Kolbulle över eld



At Naturlogi, we are passionate about the local, sustainable, and small-scale. Here, food is cooked over the fire using ingredients from the farm, the forest, and the surrounding landscape.


Enjoy a little extra in the forest and indulge in both appetizers, main courses, and desserts. The dishes vary depending on the season and are adapted to the ingredients available at that time. It could be dishes from the menu or other exciting flavors. But you can trust that it will be a delightful meal with local ingredients and a cozy moment of cooking around the fire.

550 SEK / person
Drink package: 330 SEK / 2 persons

Most of our courses are prepared by yourselves at the rooms. Everything is prepared, all you need to do is cook the food over the fire. Instructions and all you need are included, we take care of the dishes. Order either a three-course meal or choose among our various options. About a week before your visit, it’s time to order food. You’ll receive more information about this as the date approaches. The menu changes with the seasons.

A great way to start your stay here is to sit down, enjoy the forest, and have something delicious to drink and eat. If you choose something to await you, it will be in your room upon arrival. Appetizers and snacks are delivered with the main course unless you specify otherwise.

something to await you

Bubbly and chocolates
Locally crafted chocolates with a forest theme and Rudenstams’ fantastic artisanal Rudu cider. A great start for those celebrating something or just looking to indulge a little extra.

Craft beer and beer sausage
Four local craft and light beers from the neighboring Ölsbo farm brewery. Accompanied by beer sausage from the farm’s sheep. Perfect for a start or as an addition to the hot tub!

Appetizers and snacks

Cheese platter with beer sausage:
Local cheeses and beer sausage from the farm’s sheep, homemade seed crispbread, and jam or preserves.
Perfect for sharing for two.
Also available without beer sausage but with a little more cheese.

Beer sausage from the farm’s sheep
A jar of the tastiest beer sausage made from the farm’s own sheep.

Chips from Skedevi Gård
Chips from Östötaslätten, choose between; salt or chanterelle.
PRICE: 45 SEK per bag (100 g)

Foto: Romina Johansson

Most of our main courses are cooked over an open fire or embers. If there are fire restrictions, we cook on gas stoves.
The meal baskets contain everything you need for the meal; you don’t need to bring anything, and we take care of the dishes. The ingredients are prepared, and all that’s left is the cooking.

Since you cook the food yourselves, it’s best to have the same main course for everyone in the party, or at least have a minimum of two people for each dish.

Classics in Naturlogi


“Coal buns” are a favorite in the forest and perfect campfire food. This is our version of an old dish that originated when loggers and charcoal burners lived in huts in the woods. Our version consists of frying cheese from Naja’s dairy, which is fried together with cabbage and onions. When it starts to get ready, you pour over the coal bun batter in a thin layer, similar to a pancake. Enjoy with lingonberry jam! Incredibly delicious, loved by both adults and children! Also available vegan.

PRICE: 250 SEK per person (vegan option 200 SEK)


Our bestseller features pulled lamb from the farm, slow-cooked for many hours. Alongside, you fry vegetables, usually from Eksjöhult smallholding and sometimes from our own land. Served with pickled vegetables and sourdough bread.

PRICE: 325 SEK per person”


In addition to the classics, we always have a dish that varies depending on what’s available in the fields and forests right now. The current dish for your visit will be presented here on the website as the date approaches, and it could be anything from a delicious summer salad to a mushroom stew in the autumn.


From the arden, we harvest what’s available at the moment. Vegetables to fry, perhaps some salad and pickled vegetables as a side, and then cheese from Naja and sourdough bread to grill over the fire.
PRICE: 230 SEK per person

PRICE: 230 SEK per person


Butter, oats, sugar, and rhubarb or blueberries from the farm when available; otherwise, it is often apples with cinnamon. Everything is fried in a pan and served with vanilla ice cream from Stafsäter.
Perfect as a dessert!
135 SEK per person


A classic Swedish fika basket with coffee, homemade cookies, and buns according to our grandmother’s recipe. Let us know if you prefer lemonade or tea instead of coffee! Take it with you and enjoy it anywhere in the forest or on a picnic.
PRICE: 75 SEK per person


A classic Swedish curdcake from Fresons in Rimforsa. Perfect for two people as an afternoon snack. Enjoy it cold or warm, served with jam. Best suited for a fika.
PRICE: 225 SEK per cheesecake (suitable for 2 people)



2 sodas from Kvarngården
2 soft drinks from TÖRST
2 local beers (low -alcoholic)



Local beers from Öslbo and Vreta Kluster. A mix of low and non-alcoholic beers.


Sparkling non-alcoholic beverages that go well with both meals and by the hot tub or fireplace. Includes Rudu cider and sparkling white currant wine from Rudenstams, as well as cider from Golden Cider Company.

For our hiking and cycling packages, we include a light lunch and snacks. These can also be ordered separately, either to take with you or to enjoy in your room.


Light lunch options that require no cooking and are easy to pack into a backpack for your excursion or enjoy on a tree stump in the forest.

Wrap with flatbread from Gävbo Bakstra, filled with seasonal vegetables from Eksjöhult småbruk and the farm, along with a delicious spread and pickled vegetables.

Ready to eat and perfect for taking as a packed meal on your outing or for the journey home.

PRICE: 195 SEK per person


A classic Swedish fika basket with coffee, homemade cookies, and buns according to our grandmother’s recipe. Let us know if you prefer lemonade or tea instead of coffee! Take it with you and enjoy it anywhere in the forest or on a picnic.
PRICE: 75 SEK per person


Breakfast is always included in your booking, including for the additional persons over 2 years old that you have indicated in the reservation. For children under 2 years old, a simpler breakfast option can be purchased. Please note that children over 2 years old are considered additional persons in the booking, and “Breakfast in bed” is included.

Breakfast in bed

The breakfast basket includes classic breakfast essentials: yogurt from Naja, berries from the farm or homemade granola, flatbread from Gävbo Bakstra, homemade bread, crispbread, freshly pickled cucumber from Kinda Gurka, butter, cheese, and eggs from Eksjöhult småbruk. Apple juice from Östgöta musteri is provided to drink. We will deliver the basket between 8:30 and 9:00 AM.

Children’s breakfast

We select a few favorites for the children’s breakfast basket: yogurt with berries or muesli, artisan flatbread. Butter, cheese, and pickled cucumber for toppings, and milk to drink.

Can be ordered for children up to two years old.Please note that children over 2 years old are considered additional persons in the booking, and “Breakfast in bed” is included.

Price: 95 SEK

Foto: Madeleine Swan


På Naturlogi brinner vi för hållbara och lokalproducerade livsmedel. Vi är därför stolta medlemmar av Östgötamat och har hela tiden som mål att så mycket som möjligt av den mat vi serverar kommer från lantbruk och producenter i trakten. Läs gärna mer på: http://www.ostgotamat.se/

För oss är det viktigt att hitta mathantverkare och producenter som, precis som vi, brinner för det lokala, småskaliga och hållbara. Här hittar ni mer information och länkar till våra samarbetspartners rörande råvaror och produkter till våra matkorgar. Är du en producent eller mathantverkare i trakten? Här gärna av dig och se om vi kan starta ett samarbete.

Eksjöhult småbruk
Här odlar Mathilda och Tom grönsaker helt utan besprutning, konstgödsel eller fossila bränslen. Gården ligger ungefär 1,5 mil från oss och under sommaren levereras grönsakerna till våra matkorgar främst från Eksjöhult.

Fresons bageri och trädgård
I Rimforsa, ca 2,5 mil från oss, ligger Fresons bageri och trädgård. Där hämtar vi den fantastiska ostkakan som finns till efterrätt.

På granngården Ölsbo bryggs det passande nog öl! Vilken lycka att kunna servera öl från granngården, dessutom gjord helt på svenska och ekologiska råvaror.

Found on the ground
Annelie och Sofia råpressar aroina och framställer en dryck med en känsla av att dricka mark, skog och glöd i samma klunk. Drycken framställs på Hallstad Säteri i Rimforsa ca 2 mil från oss och passar perfekt till maten, ostbrickan eller bara att dricka på kvällen.

Gävbo Bakstra
Hantverksbakat tunnbröd av ekologiska, lokala råvaror och kulturspannmål bakas i Gammalkil ca 2 mil från oss. Ett fantastiskt bröd som både ingår i frukosten och i våra tunnbrödsrullar, där är det oftast Sverkers potatistunnbröd som gäller, om det finns gammelpotatis kvar för säsongen såklart!