By completing your booking, you have accepted these conditions and entered into an agreement with Naturlogi AB according to these conditions. These conditions also apply in applicable parts when purchasing gift cards and in all parts for bookings with gift cards as a payment method. These conditions also apply when booking themed weekends, events or arrangements by Naturlogi AB, alone or in collaboration with others.


These conditions apply between Naturlogi AB (the host) and the person who, for himself or someone else, enters into an agreement regarding what was stated in the booking confirmation (the guest). The persons who live at the facility and who are included in the booking confirmation are also counted as guests.

The booking becomes binding for both parties when Naturlogi AB has confirmed the booking via a booking confirmation. Booking confirmation is sent after received payment.


Responsible for operations within Naturlogi is Naturlogi AB, Kojtet 1 Dänskebo, 585 96 Linköping. Organization number: 559235-3121.


The accommodation is paid at the time of booking.
Food, drinks and other costs are paid on site.

For events and themed weekends, special payment conditions may apply.


Gift cards are only sent when full payment has been made. Payment takes place via an SMS link with a 10-day due date. The gift cards are valid for what is stated on the card and normally two years from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated on the card.

Gift cards cannot be redeemed, in whole or in part, for cash.


Rebooking can be done free of charge up to and including 14 days before arrival at the latest. Cancellation can be made up to and including 14 days before arrival at the latest, in which case the booking cost will be refunded minus an administrative fee of SEK 50.

In case of later cancellations or re-bookings, half of the booking cost will be refunded, this also applies to cancellations due to illness. For events and themed weekends, other cancellation rules may apply.

The cancellation or request for rebooking must be done via email to


Naturlogi AB may change the conditions for the booking to the extent that the guest can be offered other equivalent products and/or services.

The host has the right to cancel the booking in the event of unforeseen events and for security reasons. The guest must then first be offered a similar booking at another time, if this cannot be arranged the entire sum for the booking must be refunded.

To enter into this agreement, the guest must be at least 18 years old.

During the stay, the guest must follow the rules of order that exist. More people than those stated on the booking may not use the accommodation.

If the existing rules of order are not followed during the stay and if more people than those specified in the booking are at the accommodation, the host can immediately evict the guest if he does not correct himself immediately after being told. The guest is obliged to reimburse the host for costs caused by this. The guest is then not entitled to any compensation for unused nights or products. The host is also entitled to compensation for damage caused by the guest and which entails a cost to the host.

Naturlogi AB must ensure that:

The guest receives a written confirmation of their booking.
The guest is informed of all significant changes concerning the guest’s booking.
The guest may dispose of the accommodation from and until the time stated on the booking confirmation.
Clearly announce any restrictions due to fire bans issued by the authorities.
The guest must ensure that:

Check the booking confirmation as soon as it is received and report any inaccuracies immediately.
Contact the host immediately in the event of any complaints about accommodation or anything else relating to the stay.
Follow the rules of order that exist.
Follow the fire restrictions that exist at the time of the stay.


Naturlogi AB stores the personal data that is relevant for the stay and that is communicated in connection with the booking.

The personal data will never be shared with anyone else or used for anything other than as specified at the time of booking or in these terms and conditions. Address and e-mail details can also be used after the stay to get in touch with the guest in matters relating to the experience and the stay at Naturlogi AB.


In the event that the booking cannot be completed due to an obstacle beyond Naturlogi AB’s control and which could not reasonably have been foreseen when the agreement was entered into and the consequences of which could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome, Naturlogi AB is free from liability for damages or other penalties.


Tickets for concerts cannot be canceled or refunded.
If there are too few participants at themed weekends (10 people unless otherwise stated), we reserve the right to cancel. If this happens, a full refund applies. This will be announced no later than 1 week before.

For the trips that Naturlogi AB organizes and which are defined as combined travel services in the form of a package trip according to directive (EU) 2015/2302, the following also applies according to the directive.

För de resor som Naturlogi AB anordnar och som definieras som kombinerade resetjänster i form av en paketresa enligt direktiv (EU) 2015/2302 gäller även följande enligt direktivet.

Centrala rättigheter enligt direktiv (EU) 2015/2302

• Resenärer kommer att få all väsentlig information om paketresan innan de ingår paketreseavtalet.
• Det finns alltid minst en näringsidkare som har ansvar för att alla resetjänster som ingår i avtalet fullgörs korrekt.
• Resenärerna får ett nödtelefonnummer eller uppgifter om en kontaktpunkt där de kan komma i kontakt med arrangören eller resebyrån.
• Resenärer får överlåta paketresan till en annan person, med skäligt varsel och eventuellt mot en extra kostnad.
• Paketresans pris får endast höjas om särskilda kostnader ökar (till exempel bränslepriser), och om detta uttryckligen anges i avtalet, samt i alla händelser senast 20 dagar före paketresans början. Om priset höjs med mer än 8 % av priset på paketresan får resenären säga upp avtalet. Om arrangören förbehåller sig rätten att höja priset har resenären rätt till en prissänkning om de relevanta kostnaderna sjunker.
• Resenärer kan säga upp avtalet utan att betala en avbokningsavgift och få full återbetalning av alla betalningar om någon annan av paketresans väsentliga delar än priset ändras avsevärt. Om den näringsidkare som ansvarar för paketresan ställer in paketresan före paketresans början har resenärerna rätt till återbetalning och ersättning, i förekommande fall.
• Resenärer kan under exceptionella omständigheter säga upp avtalet före paketresans början utan att betala en avbokningsavgift, till exempel vid allvarliga säkerhetsproblem på resmålet som sannolikt skulle påverka paketresan.
• Dessutom kan resenärer när som helst före paketresans början säga upp avtalet mot en skälig och motiverad avbokningsavgift.
• Om betydande delar av paketresan inte kan tillhandahållas enligt avtalet efter paketresans början måste lämpliga alternativa arrangemang erbjudas utan extra kostnad. Resenärer får säga upp avtalet utan att betala en avbokningsavgift om tjänsterna inte fullgörs i enlighet med avtalet och detta väsentligen inverkar på paketresans fullgörande och arrangören inte avhjälper problemet.
• Resenärer har också rätt till en prissänkning och/eller en ersättning för skada om resetjänsterna inte fullgörs eller fullgörs bristfälligt.
• Arrangören måste tillhandahålla stöd om resenären befinner sig i svårigheter.
• Om arrangören eller, i vissa medlemsstater, återförsäljaren hamnar på obestånd kommer betalningarna att återbetalas. Om arrangören eller, i tillämpliga fall, återförsäljaren hamnar på obestånd efter paketresans början och om transport ingår i paketresan, säkras resenärernas hemtransport.
• Naturlogi AB har tecknat skydd vid obestånd hos Kammarkollegiet. Resenärer får kontakta denna enhet eller, i tillämpliga fall, den behöriga myndigheten Kammarkollegiet, Birger Jarlsgatan 16, 114 34 Stockholm, 08-700 08 00, om tjänster inte tillhandahålls till följd av Naturlogi AB:s obestånd.